All You Need To Know About Spondylosis

Spondylosis is an umbrella term for arthritis of the spine. Spondylosis is also known as spinal osteoarthritis. This causes loss of normal spinal structure and function. Spondylosis occurs due to the wear and tear of bones and soft structures that build the spine. Age is the primary cause of this condition. The below diagram illustrates the cross-section of the spine and various sections of the spine.
Spondylosis is mostly seen in the cervical and lumbar parts of the spine and less frequently seen in the thoracic section as the rib cage serves as a protection from wear and tear. The spondylosis that occurs in cervical vertebrae is called cervical spondylosis and the spondylosis seen in lumbar vertebrae is called lumbar spondylosis.
Symptoms of spondylosis
Spondylosis symptoms vary with the part of the spine that gets affected
Cervical (Neck)

The symptoms of cervical spondylosis are
1) Neck pain or neck stiffness.
2) Grinding sensation when you turn your neck.
3) Pain in arm, shoulders and neck.
4) Muscle spasms.
Thoracic (Middle back)

The symptoms of Thoracic spondylosis are
1)Pain in the upper abdomen.
2)Numbness and weakness in the legs.
3)Stiffness and soreness in the thoracic (middle back) area.
Lumbar (Lower back)

The symptoms of lumbar spondylosis are
1) Stiffness and pain in your back.
2) Muscle spasms in the lumbar or lower back.
3) Numbness and weakness in the lumbar or lower back.
4) Grinding sensations when you sit or walk.
Risk factors for spondylosis
As discussed before, ageing is the primary factor causing spondylosis. The other factors are
- A sedentary lifestyle leads to spondylosis because it involves a lot of sitting and minimal exercise.
- It may also occur because of genetic origin with a spondylosis history.
- Smoking.
- Overweight.
- Occupations involving frequent neck motions and poor posture.
- Spine injuries.
Complications involved in spondylosis
1) Spinal stenosis
This condition leads to pressure on the nerve roots and spinal cord due to the narrowing of space in the spine.
2) Cervical radiculopathy
Cervical radiculopathy is a condition which refers to numbness, weakness and radiating arm pain from a pinched nerve.
3) Cervical spondylotic myelopathy
This is a condition where the spinal cord gets squeezed or compressed.
Treatment for spondylosis
The first line of treatment includes the following non-surgical methods
1) Physical therapy
You may seek the help of a physical therapist who recommends massage and exercises.
2) Over-the-counter medication
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) can help you relieve pain.
3) Posture correction
An improved posture gives you relief from neck and back pain.
4) Exercise
Some stretches and exercises strengthen the muscles of the spine. It is important to take some mini breaks in between your sedentary work environment.
However, surgery is recommended if the pain persists, and your condition is not improving with non-surgical methods.
Spondylosis if untreated may worsen your condition. So, seek the help of the doctor when you experience severe pain and swelling in the spine. Dr.Umakant Pandurang Dolas is a renowned neurotherapist and spondylosis consultant in pune. He is specialised in treating spine disorders like slip disc, sciatica and spondylosis – pre & post operative cases. He has vast experience working with other medical professionals all over the country. A fully established Spinal care centre like this and prominent methods adopted by our doctors help patients heal permanently from spine problems. For more information visit